Intercostal Muscle Strain

Understanding Intercostal Muscle Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments


Intercostal muscle strain is a common injury that affects the muscles located between the ribs, known as the intercostal muscles. These muscles play a crucial role in the respiratory process and the stability of the upper torso. Strain or injury to these muscles can cause significant discomfort and interfere with daily activities. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies for intercostal muscle strain.

What is Intercostal Muscle Strain?


An intercostal muscle strain occurs when the muscles between the ribs are overstretched or torn. This injury can result from various activities or conditions that put undue stress on these muscles. Understanding the anatomy of the intercostal muscles is essential for recognizing how and why this strain occurs.

Anatomy of Intercostal Muscles

The intercostal muscles are a group of muscles located between each rib in the thoracic region of the ribcage. There are three layers of intercostal muscles:

  • External Intercostal Muscles: These muscles are involved in inhalation by lifting the ribs and expanding the chest cavity.
  • Internal Intercostal Muscles: They help with exhalation by depressing the ribs and reducing the chest cavity’s volume.
  • Innermost Intercostal Muscles: The deepest layer, which assists in rib movement.

Causes of Intercostal Muscle Strain

Physical Activities

One of the most common causes of intercostal muscle strain is physical activity. Activities such as heavy lifting, intense exercise, or sudden movements can stretch or tear these muscles. For instance, weightlifting, sports like tennis or basketball, and even improper techniques in physical activities can lead to a strain.

Trauma or Injury

Accidents or injuries, such as falls or direct blows to the ribcage, can cause intercostal muscle strain. This type of trauma may occur during contact sports or accidental impacts.

Repetitive Stress

Repetitive stress from activities that involve frequent twisting or turning motions can strain the intercostal muscles. Jobs or hobbies that require frequent bending or lifting can contribute to this type of strain.

Poor Posture

Poor posture, especially when maintained for extended periods, can put additional strain on the intercostal muscles. Sitting or standing in a hunched position can lead to muscle fatigue and strain.

Symptoms of Intercostal Muscle Strain


The primary symptom of an intercostal muscle strain is pain. This pain is usually sharp and localized between the ribs. It may worsen with movement, deep breathing, or coughing.


The affected area may be tender to the touch. You might notice discomfort when pressing on the ribs or surrounding muscles.

Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms or cramping can occur in the intercostal muscles. These involuntary contractions can cause additional pain and discomfort.

Difficulty Breathing

In severe cases, the strain can affect your ability to breathe deeply. The pain may make it uncomfortable to take a full breath, leading to shallow breathing.

Diagnosis of Intercostal Muscle Strain

Medical History and Physical Examination

A healthcare provider will begin by taking a detailed medical history and performing a physical examination. They will assess the location and nature of the pain and check for any tenderness or muscle spasms.

Imaging Tests

In some cases, imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans may be recommended to rule out other potential causes of the pain, such as rib fractures or underlying conditions.

Treatment of Intercostal Muscle Strain


Resting the affected area is crucial for healing. Avoid activities that exacerbate the pain, and allow your muscles time to recover.

Ice and Heat Therapy

Applying ice packs to the injured area can help reduce inflammation and numb the pain. After the initial inflammation subsides, switching to heat therapy can help relax the muscles and improve blood flow.

Pain Relief Medications

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

Physical Therapy

In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended to strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility. A physical therapist can provide exercises and techniques to aid in recovery and prevent future strains.

Breathing Exercises

Practicing deep breathing exercises can help alleviate pain and improve lung function. These exercises can also prevent shallow breathing, which may occur due to pain.

Prevention of Intercostal Muscle Strain

Proper Techniques

Using proper techniques during physical activities and exercises can help prevent intercostal muscle strain. For example, lifting with your legs rather than your back and maintaining good posture can reduce the risk of injury.

Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular exercise to strengthen your core and upper body muscles can help support the intercostal muscles and reduce the risk of strain.


Incorporating stretching exercises into your routine can improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness. Focus on stretching the muscles around the ribcage to maintain mobility.

Ergonomic Adjustments

Making ergonomic adjustments to your workspace and daily activities can help reduce strain on your intercostal muscles. For example, adjusting your chair and desk height can promote better posture.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While most intercostal muscle strains can be managed with self-care, it is essential to seek medical attention if:

  • The pain is severe or worsening.
  • You experience difficulty breathing or chest pain.
  • There is no improvement with home treatment.
  • You suspect a more serious injury or underlying condition.


What is the typical recovery time for an intercostal muscle strain?

The recovery time for an intercostal muscle strain varies depending on the severity of the injury. Mild strains may heal within a few weeks, while more severe strains could take several months.

Can I continue exercising with an intercostal muscle strain?

It is generally advisable to rest and avoid activities that exacerbate the pain. Consult a healthcare provider or physical therapist before resuming exercise to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your condition.

How can I differentiate between intercostal muscle strain and rib fracture?

Both conditions can cause pain in the ribcage, but rib fractures often present with more severe pain, difficulty breathing, and visible bruising. Imaging tests can help differentiate between the two.

Are there any long-term effects of intercostal muscle strain?

Most people recover from intercostal muscle strain without long-term effects. However, recurring strains or improper healing may lead to chronic discomfort. Following proper treatment and prevention strategies can minimize these risks.


Intercostal muscle strain is a common and often painful condition that can interfere with daily activities and overall well-being. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for effective management and recovery. By following proper techniques, engaging in regular exercise, and making ergonomic adjustments, you can reduce the risk of experiencing an intercostal muscle strain. If you suspect a strain or experience severe pain, seeking medical attention from a healthcare provider is essential for appropriate care and recovery.

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